There are various small groups that you can join.

Contemporary Worship

Men's and Ladies nights

Ladies’ Night Out started as a companion to Men’s Night Out – I didn’t see why we should be left out!  It is very convivial, and we decide on the next local venue each time we meet, though The Gomshall Mill is the most frequently chosen. 
We usually number about 10, and some of us are church goers, and some Parish Magazine readers – all are welcome, of course.
It isn’t really a discussion group, though some very serious discussions arise at times, but it’s a lovely way to get to know each other, as well as enjoying a meal cooked by others, with a different set of companions than usual.

To find out more contact Lesley Austin


Food for FaithFood-for-Faith

Meets on Mondays at 1.30 pm at different homes for bread and cheese lunch followed by a bibles study or book. It is open to all and is a place for asking question, exploring our faith and working out together – how then do we live our lives?


Planning your Visit